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26 de agosto de 2011

How OTA hotel reviews drive bookings

According to a PhoCusWright study of 27,000 U.S. hotels comprising 65 major brands, two out of every three online traveler reviews were posted to an OTA. Equally important as the majority OTAs now hold in the online review game is their influence therein.
“Those visitors that do click through beyond the (OTA) search results to read the review, they are significantly more likely to book travel online within the same month both on an online travel agency but also on a branded hotel website as well,” said Douglas Quinby, senior director of research for PhoCusWright, during a webinar Thursday titled, “Tweet This! Social Travel Grows Up ... or Does it?”

Roughly 7% of unique visitors to any major OTA complete a booking within the same month, he said. Of those who click through to read a full review, that percentage bumps up to 13%.

“It makes a very clear case for why OTAs have invested in building their review content for their hotel shopping platform,” Quinby said.

It also makes a very clear case for why hoteliers should be paying close attention to what guests are saying about them on the likes of Expedia, Priceline and Travelocity.

Get the full story at HotelNewsNow.com

Editor: Alex Rojas writes articles related with technology, social media and marketing. Sponsored by Costa Rica Hotels, Motor de reservas en linea and Travel to Costa Rica

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