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19 de octubre de 2020

Guía tamaños de las imagenes para redes sociales - Facebook e Instagram

La siguiente infografía contiene información resumida de los diferentes formatos y tamaños para las principales redes sociales como Facebook, Instagram. Es una guía esencial para el Comunitty Manager.

  • Facebook profile picture size: 180 x 180
  • Facebook cover photo size: 820 x 462
  • Facebook link image size: 1200 x 630
  • Facebook image post size: 1200 x 630
  • Facebook event image size: 1920 x 1080
  • Facebook video size: 1280 x 720
  • Maximum Facebook video length: 240 minutes
  • Facebook ad size: 1200 x 628
  • Facebook video ad size: 1280 x 720
  • Facebook Story ad size: 1080 x 1920
  • Facebook group cover image size: 1640 x 922
  • Facebook messenger image ad size: 1200 x 628

  • Instagram profile picture size: 110 x 110
  • Instagram photo sizes: 1080 x 1080 (square), 1080 x 566 (landscape), 1080 x 1350 (portrait)
  • Instagram Stories size: 1080 x 1920
  • Minimum Instagram video sizes: 600 x 600 (square), 600 x 315 (landscape), 600 x 750 (portrait), 600 x 700 (Carousel video dimensions)
  • Maximum Instagram video length: 60 seconds
  • Minimum Instagram image ad size: 500 pixels wide
  • Instagram photo thumbnails: 161 x 161
  • Instagram ads size: 1080 x 566 pixels (landscape), 1080 x 1080 pixels (square)
  • Instagram IGTV video size: 1080 x 1920

23 de abril de 2013

20 de abril de 2013

10 Hotel Marketing rules for direct bookings

  • 1. Protect yourself from brandjacking.

  • 2. Find out where OTAs advertise.

  • 3. The alternative to good advertising is more OTAs. It’s not wrong, it’s just a different strategy.

  • 4. If you think there’s a war against OTAs think again. Almost one quarter of your direct bookings happen because you are on OTAs.

  • 5. Occupancy is a result of the right rates and the right visitors, both are under your control.

  • 6. A hotel has three parts to its marketing plan (a) location (b) comfort and (c) value. The best hotels are equally good on all three. But any hotel can excel in one and that is it’s marketing edge.

  • 7. The USP is never what you think it is. It’s what your guests think.

  • 8.  If you can’t track direct results it’s not marketing. It may be PR but thats a whole different field with a whole different view.

  • 9. The four key performance indicators of your website are: Turnover generated, visits to site, conversion rate and of course budget spent to make that happen. Learn to read them in your sleep, they’ll save you lots of hot air.

  • 10. The easiest way to increase rates is to increase service and guest satisfaction; because you can’t move the hotel nor renovate it over-night.

6 de abril de 2013

Publicidad en Video Marketing

Google provee un servicio de insertar publicidad en los videos mediante el Pay Per Click. Acá un video que explica

24 de noviembre de 2012

envio masivo costa rica

Los envios masivos en Costa Rica están regulados por la Ley de Protección de datos, donde sólamente con previa autorización de los usuarios se puede realizar un envío de información al email. Se ha estudiado que el envio masivo es un medio para conseguir usuarios o clientes.

1. Qué es Mercadeo por email?

Consiste en utilizar el correo electrónico para realizar comunicaciones de mercadeo directo, que generalmente se utiliza para: 

Campañas comerciales
Acciones de fidelización
Herramienta de marketing relacional y promocional:
  • Creación de marca
  • Comunicación
  • Reconocimiento
  • Creación de servicios de valor añadido
  • Mantener al cliente
  • Apoya la divulgación tanto de nuestra imagen como de nuestro producto y ayuda a fidelizar a nuestros clientes.

10 de noviembre de 2012

2 de noviembre de 2012

4 Things Pinterest Isn't Saying

We're not saying Pinterest won't help your business--it very well might, especially if you're in retail, design or travel. But make sure you're being smart about it.
9 ways to boost your business with Pinterest
Have you heard about Pinterest, the latest social media darling? It's already surpassed 11 million user accounts and leading to no fewer than a dozen news headlines a day right now:
The hoopla is getting ridiculous ... and not just a little annoying.

All About Pinterest

To educate those still unfamiliar with Pinterest, one only has to recall high school days of yore, when high school locker doors were decorated with full-color clippings of favorite things: teen idols, sports figures, fashion looks, candy bar wrappers and tropical environs. Take that notion, sort by category, post online and voilà, you have Pinterest!
And of course, what fun is decorating your locker if you can't show it off to everyone else in the hall? That's what Pinterest does through its sharing platform—nothing is private—and its "Pin This" call-to-action buttons.
Setting up an account is relatively easy—just go to the site and request an invitation. To "pin" new images, just adding a "Pin It" button to your browser toolbar—then click your Pin It button from any web page, and select the image(s) from that page you want to add.

Pinterest for Business

Part of Pinterest's appeal to businesses—besides its numbers—has been its audience. As of late January 2012, Pinterest's user base was predominantly educated (80 percent had a bachelor's degree or higher) Midwestern females aged 25-44. Many consumer goods and retail companies would describe this demographic as their "sweet spot."
These Pinterest users commonly confess to being "Pinterest addicts" because it's fun, easy and you get to "advertise your hopes and dreams," as one (similarly addicted) Washington Post columnist put it.
According to Shareaholic, Pinterest "drives more referral traffic than Google Plus, LinkedIn and YouTube combined." Clearly, if your company makes, hawks, or sells tangible products or destinations, Pinterest has obvious appeal. Just post great photos, encourage pinning, and go off to the races. Companies with loyalty programs (Starbucks) or cult followings (Mashable) can also exploit Pinterest.

Fair Warnings

Still, there are some things that Pinterest seems to be hiding—or at least has been less than forthcoming about -- that you may want to know about. Moreover, I've got a few general words of caution for you.
1. Pinterest skirts copyright laws—but that doesn't mean images (or you) are protected. ReadWriteWeb has done a good job covering the topic, explaining how Pinterest takes advantage of a provision in the Internet Service Providers Act to protect itself but how you're theoretically still liable if you upload an image that you don't own. If you do own, and post, images and would take issue with someone sharing them on Pinterest, you can essentially opt out your website from Pinterest by inserting blocking code.
2. Pinterest has been quietly making money off your affiliate program. According to The Atlantic, the site has been using a software called SkimLinks, which "looks at links users post to websites, determines if there is an affiliate program to which they can be linked, and appends a code that ensures Pinterest gets credit for (and data from) the referral." If you have an affiliate program on your site, don't think you were marketing through Pinterest at no cost to you. Pinterest says it's no longer using SkimLinks—but the site isn't saying much about how it is making money, which means you might want to think twice about using it as the keystone of your new digital marketing strategy. (It's yet another spin on "What Social Media Actually Costs").
3. Beware the "shiny object" effect. Just because Pinterest is all the rage does not necessarily mean it's right for your company—or that you should divert your attention from other marketing initiatives to rush to Pinterest. (Have you mastered email marketing yet, for example?) As with any of the other social media platforms, using Pinterest poorly could be more damaging to your brand image than it is helpful.
4. Addiction has a price. Pinterest addiction might seem like folly, but if it begins to contribute or add to the already existing loss of employee workplace productivity that social media has already wrought, that's no laughing matter.
Pinterest may, in fact, be a great part of your 2012 marketing strategy. Just make sure you don't get "stuck" in the process.
An earlier version of this article said that Pinterest was still using SkimLinks to get credit from referral links.  Article from http://www.inc.com/hollis-thomases/what-pinterest-wont-tell-you.html

31 de octubre de 2012

CMS: Drupal, Joomla y WordPress

Realicé un análisis mediante los trends de búsqueda y popularidad de Google, sobre los CMS´s (Content management Systems) y los datos son interesantes: Joomla ha tenido un decrecimiento en los últimos meses, y con la nueva versión 3.0 están apostando a recuperar un poco de la cuota perdida. Wordpress continúa liderando con bastante ventaja y un Drupal que se mantiene (ni sube ni baja), se puede decir que un poco estancado. La proyección para Drupal es a la baja, y para WordPress a la alza. Existen puntos críticos para los usos de las plataformas, que se centra en la comunidad de desarrolladores. Sin duda alguna, la comunidad para WP es muy alta (técnicos y no técnicos), en Joomla pasa medianamente y en Drupal con mucha orientación técnica.